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Presenter: Teri Morning

  • Date:8/12/2021 01:00 PM - 8/12/2021 02:30 PM
  • Time zone: Eastern Time (US/Canada) Online Event


The only persons, who hate performance evaluations more than the employees receiving them do, are the supervisors who dread giving the evaluations. Yet most employees receive at least one performance evaluation each year. So why do companies still insist on subjecting everyone to a dispiriting, demotivating, and time-consuming exercise? Because it is not that the idea of performance evaluations is a poor one, indeed exactly the opposite is true. Rather your system is broken!

When properly executed, performance reviews can help employees understand and accomplish business objectives while improving communications between employees, Supervisors and the company. They can even be an important part of your HR risk reduction program and a key part of your succession planning.  

So what is a company to do?

First, break the old mold! Understand that what is wrong with your current system, including why it is not working and what to do instead.  

Then second, build a new system for performance evaluations that will yield the results your company seeks; creating a line of sight between business objectives and employee goals and improving communications. While such a project may sound burdensome and time consuming, it is not. A simple effective system executed consistently yields results. A complicated ineffective process executed inconsistently creates at best miscommunication and at worst legal risk and/or the risk of losing good employee(s).   

This webinar will help you troubleshoot your existing evaluation process and replace it with a simpler system that will yield results. At the end of this 90-minute webinar, participants will have an understanding of how to review, revise and renew their existing performance system.

Areas Covered in the Session :

Part One – Troubleshooting

  • Are you ranking vs reviewing? Two small, simple words yet huge improvement is in the space between those two little words.
  • How pay and rewards fit into your performance system. Because they do.
  • Determine what the right mix of emphasis in evaluations is. Using job descriptions, business goals and attribute improvement.
  • How to make sure you are not rewarding the wrong things, perhaps even more so than you are rewarding the right things.

Part Two – Revamping the process

  • How to spend less time on evaluations while achieving more improvement.  
  • Twelve simple changes that generate huge differences in improved communications and accomplishment of business goals.
  • Using performance evaluations as a key catalyst for your succession planning processes.
  • How to build a “project plan” mentality towards improving employee problems.
  • How to write good but simple goals and objectives with a line of sight to business objectives.
  • Having conversations that motivate employees’ vs doing just the opposite.
  • How to have a conversation in which an employee also wants to participate.

Part Three – Training and buy in

  • Creating Supervisor buy in. How to get Supervisors to support, execute and even appreciate performance evaluations.  
  • Create documentation that reduces, (instead of increases) your company’s exposure to legal challenges.  
  • Understand the importance between feedback that directly links to performance pay and feedback that while still important, does not link to performance pay.
  • Using performance evaluations as a tool to improve employee soft skills and attributes.
  • Rewarding display, growth and movement towards collaboration and teambuilding rather than rewarding dysfunction and political game playing.

Who Should Attend:

  • Human Resources Departments
  • HR Business Partners
  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Business Owners